
Creating Backlinks Through Guest Blogging

All businesses want to create more backlinks, but the big question is how to do it without falling foul of Google and the other search engines. Guest blogging is a perfect solution for individuals, businesses and the search engines alike. The blog site benefits because it has a well written and interesting article which will encourage readers to visit its pages, the visitor to the blog is happy because they can learn more about the subject they're interested in, and you win because the blog post will have a link back to your own website. The search engines are content because they see guest blogging as providing a good service to internet users.

Finding suitable web sites who accept guest bloggers, is as simple as looking for anything on the internet. Just use the keywords "guest blog or blogging" along with the keyword for your niche topic.
Once the results come back, take a look at the top sites to make sure that they complement your own and more importantly, that you and your articles, will complement theirs. Contact the editor or owner of the blog to ask if there's an opportunity to post blogs as a guest. You will more than likely be asked to post some of your writing so that they can review it.
Consider the length of the blogs that the website wants. Some websites will want you to write blogs of 1,000 words. So make sure that your sample blogs are of this length. There are also websites that requires you to write various samples before they can allow you to blog as a guest. Be prepared to submit several articles for approval, all which must be unique in their content.

To make sure that you present yourself as a competent guest blogger, you must make sure that your articles are of the highest quality. The quality of your blog will determine whether you will be accepted as a guest blogger. Obviously, the more passionate you are about your subject, the easier it will be for you to continue to produce good quality and interesting articles, so try to build your niche around a subject you know.

Congratulations! You've been invited to write as a guest blogger for your chosen blog site. DON'T POST CRAP. Make sure that your articles are consistently up to the standard of those you submitted for approval in the first place. Put yourself in the position of the host blogger and the reader of the blog post. Would you accept sub standard work? Would you read a boring badly written article?
It is also important that you record the guest blogging opportunities that you get, particularly if you're submitting articles to more than one site. You can record comments that you get from these websites and monitor which subjects have the best feedback. More original articles written around the same topic could be just what the readers to your host blog are looking for.
From time to time, sites may reply they are not taking blogs now but in the future they will. Keeping a record of their details might be useful for future projects.


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